Friday, March 27, 2020

Thank you for being my online friends :)

I realized it long before the coronavirus (20+ years now!), but the past couple of weeks have once again reminded me of how much I value my online friends. Read here.


  1. Agreed! I value you, Loribeth, and all of the online friends I've made through blogging. "Connecting online can be amazingly therapeutic and it can offer us some of the things we need right now to be a little (or a lot) less lonely." <3

  2. No, thank YOU for being my online friend! We are real friends - I am convinced of that. We all know each other in a way our IRL friends often do not. And right now, it is tremendously valuable to have this community. Sending love!

  3. Oh, yes. Yes to that article and yes to my online friends, especially the ALI ones. xoxo

  4. Yessss... cheers to you, my friend! Sending love and a virtual hug across the lake.
