Monday, July 13, 2020

#MicroblogMondays: Annoying things & small pleasures

Annoying things:
  • Saturday night partygoers whooping it up somewhere outside our building while we were trying to get to sleep. :p  #condoliving #toooldforthiscrap
  • Not getting to see little Great-Nephew this weekend. :( 
  • (No new photos on social media from his parents or grandparents in more than a week either.) :(  
  • How little wine it takes these days for me to start feeling fuzzy. :p  (My 20-year-old self would scoff, lol.)  
  • Deciding not to go through the hassle of trying to return/exchange the black ribbed tank top that Old Navy sent me (instead of the package of masks I'd ordered) and just add the thing to my wardrobe... only to discover, when I unfolded it & took a good look at it, that it was a CHILD's top!! (It's now going into the bag destined for the thrift store...!) 
  • Parents on Twitter complaining about being sick of parenting in this pandemic (which, okay, I can sympathize with to some extent)... but then tacking on an additional complaint that "non-parents have no idea how hard it's been." Seriously?? I daresay you have no idea how hard our lives can be either... :p  (I was pleased to see how many people -- both childfree and childless-not-by-choice -- called him out on his post -- and, to his credit, the guy did apologize later.) 
Small pleasures: 
  • A brief respite from the unrelenting heat & humidity of the past few weeks -- enough to have the balcony door open for a while in the morning, anyway. 
  • Lots of good and even great hair days since (finally!) getting a haircut two weeks ago. :)  
  • The season's first gelato, on our wedding anniversary last Monday. :) 
  • My mom told me she & my dad spent our 35th wedding anniversary watching the video of our wedding day (something I haven't looked at in years myself!)... and my dad apparently remarked that I was "a very pretty bride," which really tickled me.  :)  
  • Getting my 2021 week-on-two-pages Filofax insert in the mail last week (ordered via Amazon). (Yes, I still use a paper calendar... and I'd be lost without it!) 
    • Hoping that those days will be filled with activities other than staying holed up at home, away from others, and trying to avoid a pandemic... :(  (but not entirely hopeful that will happen by then...) 
  • (And, speaking of mail...) Finally getting the last 5-pack of cloth masks I'd ordered from Old Navy (some of them in fun animal prints!) -- 1.5 months and five packages after I first ordered them!). 
    • Dh's face when he saw them: "I'm not wearing those!"  (lol)  I assured him these were for me, and that we had plenty of other masks in plain/dark colours that he could wear instead, lol. 
You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here


  1. Wow, that tweet really rubbed me the wrong way. This response was a good one. "I’m sure it’s a nightmare. My friends and siblings are going through it. But please none of this 'childless people don’t know what it’s like' stuff. These have been some of the loneliest, mentally crushing months of my life."

    This is hard on so many people, and playing "pain olympics" can be hurtful.

  2. That was one tone-deaf tweet. Why even enter the Pain Olympics??

    I'd love to see your DH in one of your very colorful masks :-)

    Lovely what your dad said about your wedding video.

    1. I know he (my dad) loves me, but he generally doesn't say too much -- so I was pretty tickled to hear he'd said that. :)

  3. 1. Boo to noisy party-goers keeping you awake.
    2. Think of the money you save on wine these days. lol (I know what you mean.)
    3. Yay to people calling parents out for always getting at non-parents.
    4. Woohoo to great hair days AND gelato!
    5. Why not have some fun with masks? lol
    6. Awww, your dad - how sweet.
    7. Here's to a busy and healthy and safe 2021.
