Monday, October 14, 2024

#MicroblogMondays: Thankful :)

Since we actually managed to make it "home" to see my parents this summer (after several years of not being able to get there then -- but usually compensating with an October visit to celebrate (Canadian) Thanksgiving), we reverted to the custom of previous years and spent Thanksgiving this year/this past weekend with dh's family, which these days means BIL, SIL. the nephews and their families. The official holiday is actually today, but we celebrated together yesterday (the nephews were with their wives' families on Saturday).  

SIL decided not to cook (much) this year and ordered a package deal from the catering counter at the local supermarket that was supposed to feed 10 people (we had 8 adults & 2 children). For $200 (Canadian) -- i.e., $20 per person -- we got: 
  • 2 roasted boneless turkey breasts, 
  • a choice of two side dishes (from a list of 13 -- we had mashed potatos and roasted root vegetables), 
  • a large salad (choice of 3 -- we had Caesar salad), 
  • 10 small buns, 
  • gravy and cranberry sauce, and 
  • 20 mini-cannolis for dessert (choice of 5 fillings -- we had ricotta/chocolate chip). 
SIL also made stuffing (from a boxed mix, which wasn't my Mom's, of course, but wasn't bad), sauteed rapini and a green salad, and the boys brought pies (apple, pumpkin and pecan).  It was all very good -- and, as dh said, "You would probably spend just as much or more to buy and cook all that food yourself!" Also, the portions were quite generous. We all took home leftovers! 

We had a good time, especially with the kids.  :)  The nephews took the great-niblings outside on the deck to play for a while, and dh & I took some really cute photos of them. :)  (A couple of non-human photos below.) 

SIL's pretty table centrepiece.
(Which we had to remove to make room for all the plates & food! lol) 

Part of the feast, before we all dug in. Doesn't it look colourful? 

Note the dog is sporting a festive Halloween collar.  :)  

You can find more of this week's #MicroblogMondays posts here.  

1 comment:

  1. Aww, Cooper looks so cute. Glad you had a lovely time. Mali (from a device that won’t let me log in!)
